How far can you stretch a dollar? Are you good at covering your expenses or do you always seem to be running a little short on cash?
In Rip Off, you’ll find out as you physically rip your game money to try and cover your expenses while making that dollar last you for as many rounds as possible!
How Do You Play Rip Off?
Rip Off is a very simple yet very fun game for the whole family to enjoy!
Everyone receives one paper dollar. Your goal is to make your dollar last for the most rounds until everyone else is out of the game.
At the start of the round, three expense cards are turned over. Each card features an item and you must “Rip Off” a portion of your dollar so you can completely cover two of those expenses. If what you ripped off can cover two items, you advance to the next round, if it can’t you must rip off another portion of your dollar so that you can cover two items.
Mixed in among the expense card deck are a few special cards that will make is so that you either only have to cover one of the items, or all three!
The last player left in the game wins, or in case of a tie, the person with the largest portion of their dollar remaining is the winner.
What Do We Think?
I love that Rip Off is a simple game that you can play with anyone while still providing a challenge and some silly moments.
This is a great filler option for when you need a game to help pass the time. I imagine pulling this out a lot come the holiday season as we wait for meals together and spend the evenings with family.
The required visual perception skill of being able to look at the various items on the card, judge their size, then accurately rip off a portion of your dollar that will cover them without too much wasted space, thus leaving you with a good sized dollar for the next round can be quite tricky. And young or old, no one has an advantage here! Our 6 and 8 year old kids hang in there with the adults just fine. This all comes down to whether or not you’ve developed this visual skill.
Our 4 year old son Oliver loves to play along, too. He’s just at the cusp of really being able to perform well with this one. He’s still working not only on his perception skills, but also his hand eye coordination. Ripping the dollar accurately provides great practice not only in his coordination but also in being delicate with his movements as he carefully tears the dollar just so.
I feel like we’ve all had this expression upon seeing how far a dollar actually stretches.
While we typically don’t like games with player elimination, Rip Off plays so quickly that it isn’t an issue. Once your first game is over, players will undoubtably want another crack at it. We almost always play 2 to 3 games back to back!
You may be wondering whether a game with consumables is worth it, you are after all ripping the components game after game and eventually will be out of dollars.
Rip Off comes with 200 paper dollars to use, so that means if you play this with about 4-6 people on average, you’ll be able to play it somewhere around 34-50 times before you’re out of dollars to use.
For a game that costs just $13, if I play it anywhere near 30 times I think that fun has well covered the games expense!

Rip Off is a very fun visual perception game for both adults and kids alike! Because you can teach it in seconds to players of all ages, this makes a wonderful filler game that you can bring with you to help pass the time whether you’re waiting for dinner to cook, or your game night crew to arrive.
I love that it challenges skills that people maybe didn’t know they had or were lacking, leading to some hilarious moments as players rip their dollar only to find that they can no where near cover their “expenses.”
While not a party game in the traditional sense, Rip Off creates a fun party-like feel during play with lots of laughing and simple challenges that make it fun for any group.
I highly recommend checking out Rip Off if you are looking for a small, lightweight game you can share with your family and friends.
To find all of our favorite game recommendations, check out our Amazon Storefront!
A special thank you to our friends at Blue Orange Games for sending us a copy of Rip Off for review. As always our thoughts and opinions are our own.
Game Info:
Title: Rip Off
2-6 players 8+
Designer: Urtis Sulinskas
Publisher: Blue Orange Games
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