July Board Game Recap
In July, we played 45 different games from new releases to old classics. Here are our picks for the best games we played last month.
Monthly recaps are to help you know about all the games we played in the past month, share our favorite games, as well as give out some end-of-month awards. Not all of the games we play make it onto social media or the blog so this is a fun way to show you what we have played behind the scenes and which games left an impression.
Check out our previous month’s recaps:
2022: Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May | June
Games Played in July
Make sure to let us know on our social accounts which of these games you want to hear more about!
- Abandon All Artichokes
- Adventure Builder
- Akropolis (coming Aug 24!)
- Ansagrams
- Bag of Chips
- Bags
- Cardline: Animals
- Cardline: Dinosaurs
- Cascadia
- Crew: Quest for Planet Nine
- Dinosaur Tea Party
- Doomlings
- Egg Slam!
- Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters
- Gimme Gimme Guinea Pigs
- It’s a Wonderful Kingdom
- Jetpack Joyride
- Junior Detective
- King of 12
- Legendary: Marvel
- Marvel Battleworld
- Marvel United / X-Men United
- Mass Transit
- Millennial Manatees
- Molkky
- MonsDRAWsity
- Nidavellir
- Noggin
- Ouch!
- Patchwork
- Peek-A-Mouse
- Planted: A Game of Nature & Nurture
- Pokemon Battle Academy
- Quoridor
- Reign of Dragoness
- Survive: Escape from Atlantis!
- Ticket to Ride: San Francisco
- Tongues Out!
- Tumble Tree
- Turtle Splash (coming soon!)
- Unlock Kids: Detective Stories
- Via Magica
- Viticulture World: Cooperative Expansion
- Word Heist
- Yak

Kelsey’s Favorite Game: Planted
We can’t stop playing Planted by Phil Walker Harding! The game is simple but engaging. The components are amazing for the price point. Our only complaint is the card quality. This is our new go to game to introduce to new players. It’s excellent at all player counts but shines with 4 or more. The simultaneous card selection means the game plays quick and everyone has a good time.
We give it two green thumbs up.
Adam’s Favorite Game: Nidavellir
Nidavellir is a game I think everyone should play. The game brilliantly blends set collection, open drafting with closed bidding, and a leveling up mechanism. I love the choices the games presents while playing. Do I get the best card for me, steal the best card for my opponent, or upgrade early and hope it pays off in the end?
Very excited to explore more of this game and its expansion soon.
Kid’s Favorite Game: Adventure Builder
Our family has never played a role-playing game, but our kids can’t get enough of Adventure Builder. Adventure Builder has all the elements of an RPG, but packaged in a way that makes it easier for any first time players to lead a campaign. Adventure Builder comes with cards for multiple monsters, traps, and more to encounter on your adventure. The rule set is easy to understand and provides multiple story props to get you started.
If you are looking for an easy introductory role-playing games for your family with young kids, we highly recommend Adventure Builder.

End of Month Awards
Best Quick Play Game: Ouch!
This simple push your luck set collection game has the best theme integration for a small card game this year. Players try to collect flowers from cactus, but more flowers means more chances of getting pricked by a needle. If the player gets poked, they must yelp “Ouch!” which leads to a lot of laughs.
This game is well worth adding to your card game collection.
Newest Game added to Travel Tub: King of 12
We love our travel case and King of 12 is a perfect addition!
You play cards simultaneously from your hand trying to manipulate your dice to win the round. The twist is everyone starts with the same cards, so if players play the same card their card effects don’t trigger. This game had us trying to get inside the minds of each other and let just say Kelsey read Adam like a book every single game.
If you like games about getting into others’ heads, give King of 12 a try.

Favorite Neighborhood Game: MonDRAWsity
Our kids have introduced the neighborhood to MonDRAWsity and they have been playing it non stop. Thank goodness it comes with dry erase boards, because we would have run out of paper sheets!
This fun party drawing game is now available at Target with a new edition that looks amazing. You can also check out our review of the original version.
Best Components: Yak
The images speak for themselves, but Pretzel games published a beautiful game. These pieces are not just gorgeous to look at, they are highly functional in the game as you move your Yaks to cart around building materials and trade goods.
If you love high quality components, this puzzledly set collection game is one to try.
Most Interesting Packaging: Millennial Manatees
Millennial Manatees comes in a “fanatee pack” which is functional, fun, and fashionable. The packaging sets players’ expectations perfectly for this silly, pun filled game about manatees paying off their college loans.
Most Played: Gimme Gimme Guinea Pigs – 17 Plays!
This speed game is so quick and simple it’s no wonder we played it so much this past month. The art of each animal is so cute, but so tricky because they look so similar. You’ll think you have all the same animal, then your seventh hedgehog turns out to be a guinea pig.
If you enjoy the classic card game “spoons” this game would be perfect for your family.