Unlock! Kids is a deduction game from the makers of the escape room style Unlock series. This time it’s up to kids to solve the mysteries before the time runs out using their powers of observation, logic, and deduction.

How Do You Play Unlock Kids?
Unlock Kids works through a numbered card system. When players begin, they are given a limited amount of materials to use along with a deck of numbered cards. Using the materials at hand, they’ll decipher clues, use symbol keys, and look for hidden numbers in the artwork. Each number or symbol they discover refers to a card in the deck that they may then take out and use to further their investigation.
The game comes with three stories with two adventures in each for a total of 6 games to play through.
Unlock Kids is an app free game. There is no need for a smart phone or other device to play.

What Do We Think of Unlock! Kids?
There is so much to love about Unlock! Kids.
We are big fans of the murder mystery deduction games for adults and have longed for an option for our kids who also want to join in. Unlock! Kids offers a completely family friendly experience without even a hint at questionable content. It’s a fun adventure with lighthearted mysteries to solve.
My favorite part of the entire series is that it is entirely language independent. Outside of the tutorial case, which walks players through how to play the game, there is no reading required to play Unlock! Kids. This allows for kids as young as 6 to play.
Unlock Kids is Challenging but Achievable
The mysteries in the game are fairly straight forward to solve, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a challenge for kids. I appreciate that the game will force them to slow down and logically think through things to get the correct card they need to advance.
However, the game isn’t terribly difficult. Playing through them myself and watching my kids work through them as well, the adventures are all realistically possible for kids to solve. Some parts are really easy to solve while others required more effort. A few times our kids asked for help, thinking they were stuck rather than sticking with it, but we just redirected them to the task and encouraged them to think things through.
Six is about the youngest age I would recommend this game for. Kids need to have a decent attention span for logical tasks and the ability to think critically and creatively. Players older than 12 or 13 will most likely find the game too easy.
Unlock Kids is best for 1-4 players. You can obviously play it with however many people you’d like. However, with card based detective games, there comes a tipping point where there’s more people on the sidelines watching the game happen than actually able to play.
Our three kids playing together felt like the sweet spot, making this a good option for family game night where parents can enjoy kids taking the lead and helping when necessary.

Unlock Kids is an excellent and much needed addition into the escape room mystery games genre. This series will be one that we watch for and excitedly pick up any future installments. Highly recommend.
You might love Unlock! Kids if you:
- Enjoy the adult games and want a family friendly version to play
- Need an activity your kids can do on their own.
- Want a cooperative game that will challenge your child’s critical thinking skills.
- Are looking for a unique solo game for kids.
You might not love Unlock! Kids if you:
- Are playing with a group older than 12-13 years
Bring home a copy of Unlock! Kids
Find this and all our top game recommendations on our Amazon Storefront.
A special thank you to our friends at Asmodee for sending a copy of Unlock! Kids for review.
As always, our thoughts and opinions are our own.
Game Info:
Title: Unlock! Kids
1-4 Players ages 6+
Designer: Cyril Demaegd, Marie Fort, Wilfried Fort
Artist: Maud Chalmel, Olivier Danchin
Publisher: Space Cow
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