We’re quickly going over 5 reasons we love the card game Similo!
Similo is a co-operative deduction game where players are tasked with the challenge to identify one secret character. Our kids can’t get enough of it and we think you’ll love it, too!
How Do You Play Similo?
Each deck of Similo comes with thirty cards that share a common theme: Fables, History, Animals or Myths.
You lay out a grid of twelve characters in the center of the table for all to see.
Your goal is to get your fellow players to guess a secret character from amongst those twelve by playing cards from the deck and stating, simply, whether the card from the deck is similar or dissimilar to the secret character.
After each clue, the guessing players will have to remove cards from the game without removing the secret character. If they remove the secret character, they lose. But, if you make it all the way to the end, only the secret character will remain and everyone wins!

What Do We Think?
Okay, let’s not bury the lead: We LOVE Similo!
Here’s why!
1. Easy to Set Up and Fast to Play!
You can play multiple games of Similo in about 15 minutes. I love this because as a big family, we don’t always have the time (or energy, patience, you name it) to play overly involved games with our kids when they ask us to. But that does’t mean that we don’t want to play and connect with our kids. Similo allows us to do exactly that!
It’s not just for kids though, we’ve had a great time pulling this out with our adult friends as a filler game. Because it’s cooperative, I like to play this when guests are still arriving. People can jump right in and start playing without the need for a large rules explanation.
2. Similo Requires Creative Thinking
I love the creative thinking that is involved in a game of Similo. Because you can’t communicate outside of just saying a character is or is not similar to the secret character, players have to think creatively. Is this card similar because they both have hats? Are they wearing similar colors? Is this character a hero but the secret character is a villain so I should eliminate all heroes?
And then of course there’s the chance that you are thinking in a different manner than the clue giver entirely. This is where the fun comes in and another reason why I enjoy playing this game with kids. You need to think about the connections the clue giver is making and not necessarily what you are thinking. For example, when my 5 year old is giving the clues (and this game can easily be played with kids that young!) I might look more at the design of the character, is he noticing their outfits? Gender? Facial expressions? Then with my older daughter I might wonder if she’s making connections between the types of stories the characters are in, or perhaps the classification of animal types mammal vs reptile etc. Either way, it’s fun to watch players of all ages try to get on the same line of thinking and deduce the correct character.
3. The Game is Beautiful!
Each card is beautifully illustrated. I absolutely love the art style for each and every set. They have a beautiful, fairytale like quality about them that keeps these iconic characters easily identifiable with their traditional look – yet each card in the deck has the same beautiful style so it looks cohesive and works together, even when playing with two sets.
4. Similo Can be Played Anywhere
With its small packaging and quick play time, Similo is a great small box game to have in your collection because you can take it anywhere. Play it quickly while waiting for a meal. Toss it in your purse and bring to a friend’s house to keep the kids entertained while the adults chat. Everyone needs a small, portable, easily taught game!
5. You Can Mix your Similo Sets
This is such a fun element of Similo, and why we definitely recommend picking up multiple sets! I love that you can enjoy the game with just one set of cards, say fantasy, and then, for a different game, use those fantasy cards to give clues for a secret character in the History deck! So fun!
Not only does it extend the replayability of your games, but it also adds a new element of creativity. Is Abraham Lincoln similar to Peter Pan? I love watching the players think about these characters in different ways when they can’t make immediate connections.
Perhaps the Best Reason of All…
But perhaps what I love most about Similo is that my kids can play it BY THEMSELVES!
This is a great game if you’re looking for something your kids can do together on their own. I love having games like this because not only does it buy me a couple minutes of free time, but what my kids are getting out of it is even more important. They are building confidence in understanding rules, following instructions, and working together all without an adult present. And they’re having fun, too!
There’s an App for That!
Similo also has a great iOS app available for anyone who is interested in the digital version of the game. We love having the app on our phones for those times where we’re out and about and need something to help us keep the kids’ interest for a bit.

I’m always on the hunt for great deduction games. These types of games are a great way to exercise your children’s (and your!) working memory and Similo provides lots of fun opportunities for them to do just that!
This is a perfect, small game to bring with you when traveling or gift to friends. It’s short playtime makes it a great choice for families looking for something quick to do together either to end the day or pass the time at a restaurant. We love the ability to play with multiple sets for a different challenge.
If you are interested in picking up a copy for your family, you can find Similo HERE!
Find this and all our top game recommendations on our Amazon Storefront.
A special thank you to our friends at Luma Imports for sending us a copy of Similo for review. As always, our thoughts and opinions are our own.
Game Info:
Title: Similo
2-8 Players Ages 7+
Designer: Martino Chiacchiera, Hjalmar Hack, Pierluca Zizzi
Artist: Xavier Gueniffey Durin
Publisher: Horrible Guild
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