Arrrgh! Get ready to set sail on a fantastic pirate race around the island. Become the richest pirate as you battle your rivals, detour for treasure, and sail towards the finish line.
What is Jamaica?
Watch our Instagram Reel for a visual overview of Jamaica.
Jamaica is a pirate racing board game where player interaction is high. In Jamaica, you’ll try to amass the most gold before the race ends.
Players play cards from their hands to take actions. Through their cards they are able to move their ship and gather gold, food, or cannons to help them in the race.
You must race around the island while feeding your crew, fighting off opponents in battle, and seeking out buried treasure.
The game ends when a player crosses the finish linen. Players earn gold for their finishing location, treasure they still have in their possession, and gold on their ship. The player with the most gold (not necessarily the player who finished the race,) is declared the winner.

What Do We Think of Jamaica?
Jamaica is one of our favorite board games for the ever tricky player count of six! This game shines with a full player count. It is both strategic and tactical while remaining lighthearted and fun. I love selecting this game when I have a group of six players and want the fun of a party game without any of that party game feel.
Jamaica is the kind of game sure to make you laugh as your plans go horribly wrong or right based on the decisions of your fellow pirates. The game moves at a nice pace thanks to simultaneous action selection. There’s a good amount of decision making players can mull over with both how they choose to manage their hand and what tactics they wish to employ on the race, finding a balance between offensive and defensive maneuvering.
While there is conflict in the game as players battle each other and steal resources, it’s all thematic and never really strays into the territory of mean. Battles can go terribly wrong for the players initiating them so they’re always exciting for everyone around the table. Especially those looking to attack the winner after they’ve spent their cannons.
Jamaica is language independent, making it a great option for families with younger children (6+) looking to join in on the pirate fun!
You May Enjoy Jamaica If:
- You love racing games
- You’re looking for a light tactical game
- You have a group of 5 or 6 players
- You want a family friendly, language independent game
You May Not Enjoy Jamaica If:
- You do not like games with any amount of luck
- You prefer little to no player interaction
Pick up a copy of Jamaica for your home.
Find this and all our favorite games on our Amazon Storefront.

A special thank you to our friends at Asmodee for sending a copy of Jamaica for review.
As always our thoughts and opinions are our own.
Game Info:
Title: Jamaica
3 to 6 Players ages 8+
Designer: Malcolm Braff, Bruno Cathala, Sebastien Pauchon
Artist: Mathieu Leyssenne
Publisher: Space Cowboys
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