Needing some Halloween game night ideas? We’ve got you covered!
October is in my top three months of the year. Fall weather has arrived, pumpkin bread is baked, and it’s the perfect time to pull out the spooky games to get in the mood for Halloween.
Choosing the right game is a great way to set the tone for a Halloween game night! (Or cutsie spooky if you’re like Kelsey and prefer to avoid the scary parts of the holiday.) Last year we shared 13 Halloween game suggestions and we’re doing it again with even more picks for the whole family!
Halloween Games for Elementary Age Children:
Zombie Teenz Evolution
Last time we recommended Zombie Kids Evolution. This year we suggest the follow-up game, Zombie Teenz Evolution! We have a full review on our site, but SPOILERS, we think it surpasses the original in every way. The best addition is the story added to the campaign, which legitimately caused an emotional reaction from our kids! Games are less than 20 minutes making this a great one to binge play!

Ghost Blitz
It’s all about fast reactions in this real-time game. Players flip a card to determine which of the five items they need to seize. Be the first to grab the correct item to win the card. Then take these skills to the street to ensure you don’t miss out on the last snickers bar from the candy bowl!
Halloween Games for the Family!
Horrified / Horrified American Monster
This cooperative monster fighting game has earned a permanent spot in our collection and is our five-year-old’s favorite game! Whether you want to fight Universal Monsters or Cryptids, the theme of the game is perfect throughout. The game can scale for difficulty easily, making it great for new gamers and co-op veterans alike. (Full Review)

A fun drawing party game where a player must describe a creepy monster they encountered from memory while everyone else sketches the monsters based on the description. The drawings created are as hilarious as the monsters are hideous! (Full review)
Whirling Witchcraft
The art is top-notch in this beautiful game about rival witches brewing potions to overload their opponent’s cauldron. Each player gets a unique witch’s power which can help specialize their engine and variability to each game. It plays quickly you’ll be able to play this several times during your Hocus Pocus rewatch.

Zombie Dice!
This push your luck dice game is perfect for this time of year. Players are zombies racing to collect 13 brains first while avoiding rolling three shotgun blasts on their turn. It’s quick and silly, with lots of high and low moments depending on the luck of the dice. This one is simple enough that kids can play, though the theme might be off putting/inappropriate for younger audiences.
Mysterium / Mysterium Park
Supernatural communication is the key to victory, as one player must use stylized art to give clues to the detectives to solve the murder in this cooperative party game. Mysterium Park is the newer, quicker version of the original game.
Like the sound of this game, but you wish the game featured a hidden traitor?
Check out Deception Murder in Hong Kong, featured on our previous list!
Halloween Games for Adults
Chronicles of Crimes / Chronicles of Crimes 1900
There are plenty of murder-solving board games to choose from, but the Chronicles of Crimes has the best use of app integration. By scanning QR codes printed on the cards, you can question suspects about specific people, items, or places. This game, more than any other, makes me feel like a detective. We find the theme of Chronicles of Chrimes 1900 feels extra spooky with its sepia-tone art style.

Awkward Guests
Another murder-solving game, but this one is competitive. Awkward Guests takes the classic board game Clue to the next level. This deduction game is unlike any other where players will trade information to determine Mr. Walton’s killer, how he died, and the killer’s motive. A must-play for fans of deduction games.
Betrayal House on the Hill
This classic haunted house game provides an exciting, unpredictable experience each time. Players are investigators exploring different room tiles before a haunt occurs and someone becomes a traitor. Players then race to complete their new objective before the traitor accomplishes their secret mission. There are many ways to play with 50 different scenarios ranging from mummies, spiders, and spirits. It’s a spooky good time!
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