When kids hit age seven, they’re really on the cusp of enjoying a large portion of the board games available.
Many games list age 8+ on the box and often times seven year olds can play the game just fine — especially towards the latter half of age 7. When choosing games for kids of this age, we try to think of where they are developmentally. On average, 7 year olds have a slightly longer attention span, are still beginning to read though many may be excelling in this area as well, and they are excited to try newer less “kid” feeling things as they start to feel more like “big kids.”
We’ve rounded up some of our favorite games to play with 7 year olds. Kids are all unique and develop at their own pace, so if your child isn’t ready to play these games yet, that’s okay! Also, please remember that these games are by no means only for 7 year olds and can be a great fit for kids both younger and older!
Be sure to check out our other posts in this age series:
Age 2 — Age 3 — Age 4 — Age 5 — Age 6 — Age 7 — Age 8-10 — Teens

1. Go Nuts for Donuts
A fun set collection game for the whole family. We love that kids are evaluating which donuts they want to draft to complete their sets and learn when its best to abandon those that just aren’t going to prove beneficial for them.
Watch an overview of this game.
2. Cloaked Cats
In Cloaked Cats players work to unmask each other. They’ll deduce which cats their opponents are by looking at they clues they leave on the board. Each game plays fast and is great for working those critical thinking skills!
Read our review of Cloaked Cats.
3. The Magic Labyrinth
The Magic Labyrinth is a favorite for kids to work on their perseverance and memory skills. This game can be quite tricky and challenging so it’s great for kids to learn to stick with it and keep trying till they figure it out.
4. Zombie Kidz or Zombie Teenz
If you’re looking for a great campaign game for this age, look no further than the Zombie Kids series! We love the story, quick game play, and engaging challenges for kids to worth through.
Read our review of Kidz and Teenz
5. Dragonwood
Dragonwood is a fun card game that’ll have kids practicing their math skills. I love the push your luck elements and the strategy required to know which foes are the most advantageous for players to try to fight each turn.
6. Quacks and Co
This is the kid version of the popular (and oh so fun) adult game The Quacks of Quedlinburg. It is a phenomenal option for kids in this age. You can adjust the difficulty down for younger players or enjoy challenging your 7 year old in this push your luck strategy game for kids. Easily one of the best kid games of recent years!
7. Juicy Fruits
Juicy Fruits is a fun family game that we think works well to introduce to kids at age 7, especially as they near 8. You’re trying to create an island filled with fruit businesses that earn you the most points to win. The fun part our kids love is how you generate resources through the use of a slide puzzle. This game is entirely language independent, so no need to worry about reading level!
8. Kingswood
If your 7 year old is ready for a little more challenge, Kingswood might be a great fit. This game introduces game mechanisms like worker placement, rondel action selection, and variable player powers. It’s easy to learn and engaging from both a theme and strategy standpoint.
9. Cloud City
Cloud City is a fun city building game that’ll see your players building tall skyscrapers and building routes to help complete skywalks. I love that the game is entirely language independent, quick to teach and play, and how regardless of the outcome everyone is excited to see what they built.
Read our review of Cloud City.
10. Gimme Gimme Guinea Pigs
I love playing speed games with kids and Gimme Gimme Guinea Pigs has some of the most adorable art that really draws them in.
Watch us play Gimme Gimme Guinea Pigs
board games for 7 year olds. games for seven year olds. 7 year old board games. board games great for 7 year olds