The Best Brain-Off Board Games

Simple, low strategy, high luck games for a relaxing game night. 

Sometimes you just want to play a game without overthinking every move. Whether you’re unwinding after a long day, playing with friends who prefer lighter options, or just don’t want to exert too much brain power, these brain-off games are the perfect fit. 

These games have simple rules, minimal strategy, and most have a good dose of luck — so you can enjoy playing without the stress of needing to strategize over every little decision.

For the days you need one of those games, this list has you covered!

Duck and Cover

I love this cute game so much! It works a little bit like a bingo game. Players have a grid of numbers in front of them and each time a number is called, you’ll take that card and either cover a card connected to it, or move the card to another location in the grid hoping to eventually have the fewest card piles in front of you or dwindle it down to one and win the round. It’s simple and fast — I’ve been loving it for a brain break activity during school, but the kids play it all hours of the day!


Similar to Duck and Cover, Slide is another game where you have a grid of numbers. But this time, you’re shifting and sliding the numbers around like a slide puzzle. If you can get cards of the same value next to each other, they cancel each other out, which is good because you want the fewest points! It’s the kind of game you want to play again immediately after your first play!


A simple deck of cards continues to be the most versatile type of game in our collection. Pairs is a unique deck with numbered cards and can be used to play a variety of games. We’ve been loving it’s eponymous game for a little post dinner family time. It’s easy enough for our 4 year old to play and requires literally no brain power. Exactly what I need after a long day!


A truly brain off game! No need to strategize, just toss dice in a bowl (the box is the bowl!) and have a good time!


The beautiful cards have the best calming quality about them, so whether you want to game to have a party feel with lots of laughs, or a more laid back vibe, Dixit can fit your needs. It’s the perfect strategy free game that anyone can play!

You can play with the original or Disney base games!

Can’t Stop

A family favorite! Roll dice and use the results to move up on the numbered tracks. Push your luck to quickly get to the top of three tracks first to win! 


I love push for a quick and fun card game with the family. Push-your-luck games are always exciting and Push has a way of really bringing the fun out without taxing your brain. You’ll draw cards hoping to collect the highest numbers, but if you push your luck too far, you’ll bust. 

Lucky Numbers

Try to complete your board first by arranging numbers in Ascending order. The best part about this game is that you can think as much or as little as you’d like when playing. The numbers you draw comes down to luck, where you place them impacts how much luck you’ll need when drawing the next number.  It’s a great brain off strategy game!


This is a game all about building paths and not leading your pawn off the board. Games are quick, soothing, and fun! The best part is it allows for up to 8 players to play making it a great game for big families or groups!

Mega Jackpot

Can you flip a card? Well you can play this game! It captures the feel of a casino slot machine as you try to turn over cards to align three matching symbols to hit the jackpot. It’s chill with the occasional burst of excitement that comes from winning big! 

Tussie Mussie

If you want a game that has some decisions to make, but not too many, Tussie Mussie is the perfect sweet spot. This is an “I cut, you choose” drafting game all about arranging flowers. Each flower scores differently and you’ll try to collect the perfect arrangement to win. We have loved taking it to restaurants for a cozy and simple conversational game over the years. 

Incan Gold

A classic! This game is the perfect choice to play with a small or large group (it plays up to 8!) when you want a game with a great vibe, that isn’t a party game. One of our go-to picks for players that both love games and those that might find them to be intimidating as there’s little strategy, but plenty of fun moments. 

Deep Dive

This cutie is all about sending your penguins diving into the ocean to bring back the best catches. You can push your luck to dive down deeper to where the best food is, or you can play it safe and stay closer to the surface. Cute and fun for all skill levels! 

Tasso Banana

This game is a perfect choice for evenings where you mostly just want to chat, but you still would like an activity to do while hanging out. You’re just adding and stacking bananas onto the board (which is also the box) It has minimal strategy and as far as dexterity games go, its on the low end of skill as well. Great micro-game. 


The simple fun of trying to place all your magnets on the table without them clustering together. I love that you can play multiple games in a single sitting. This is a great option if you’re looking for a game your kids can play with their grandparents! 

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