5 Marvel Legendary Avengers Themed Decks
Part of the journey is the end.
But before that, there’s a whole lot of nerdy stuff leading up to it!
That’s why we’ve got five Marvel Legendary setups that are sure to get you even more hyped for Avengers: Endgame!
If you are unfamiliar with it, Marvel Legendary is a deck building game set in the Marvel Comics universe for 1 to 5 players. It also happens to be our favorite game. Read this post to find out why!
To play, you’ll choose a Mastermind for your heroes to fight. Next you’ll select your Scheme which sets unique conditions that the heroes must over come. Then you’ll build a villain deck, this will be determined sometimes by the scheme you select and the number of players. Due to the variability of scheme, cards you have, and players at the table, we’ll leave the villains deck assembly up to you. And finally, you’ll build your hero deck. The brave warriors who will be attempting to take down your mastermind. We’ll give you five heroes for this deck. If you are playing with five players, you’ll need to add a hero, so we’ll leave that last recruit up to your team.
One last thing: These set ups are purely thematic. We cannot promise that all of these heroes will work well together. This is completely for the fun and hype of it all!
Alright, lets get to it! Avengers: ASSEMBLE!

Deck One: Where It All Began
If all you have is the base game, this deck is for you! You don’t need all of the expansions to enjoy the hype! For all of our base game players, we recommend this set up.
Mastermind: Loki
Scheme: Unleash the Power of the Cosmic Cube
Heroes: Nick Fury, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hulk
(We wanted to give Mr. Fury some love in this deck. He is responsible for the Avengers Initiative after all. However, if you’re not feeling it, you can also switch out a hero for Thor or Hawkeye)
Deck Two: Hooked on a Feeling
One of our favorite expansions is the Guardians of the Galaxy expansion. It is a small box expansion that adds so much to the game. The addition of shards and artifacts ultimately makes it feel like a unique game in and of itself. It’s our number one small box recommendation, especially if you enjoy the characters. Make sure to turn the soundtrack on in the background just in case you need to do a dance off to save the universe.
To play this setup, in addition to the base game, you’ll need the following expansion:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Mastermind: Thanos
Scheme: Unite the Shards
Heroes: Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Drax
Deck Three: The Conflicted Viewer
Are you all about the snap? Maybe you’re pro-Thanos and want to see him succeed. Then here’s a deck for you! Featuring Thanos, some of his children, and some other baddies, this one is sure to test your moral compass.
To play this setup, in addition to the base game, you’ll need the following expansions:
Secret Wars Vol. 1
Secret Wars Vol. 2
Civil War
Mastermind: Authoritarian Iron Man
Scheme: Crush Them with your Bare Hands (yikes! Good Luck!)
Heroes: Thanos, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Black Swan, Maximus
Deck Four: Wave Two
Outside of the Avengers, Marvel also has a whole bunch of other great movies with fantastic characters and now is their time to shine! Good luck battling against Ultron! Bonus points if you speak like James Spader every time a Masterstrike occurs.
To play this setup, in addition to the base game, you’ll need the following expansions:
Secret Wars Vol. 1
Civil War
Mastermind: Ultron
Scheme: Age of Ultron
Heroes: Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Vision, Wasp, Peter Parker
Deck Five: We’re in the Endgame Now
This is it. The “snap” has happened and these are the heroes left, (minus a few key players, but you can only choose 5, so deal.) Will they all come together to defeat Thanos? Or will someone, sensing a potential lack of cohesion amongst the group, go for the Infinity Stones themselves and become corrupted with power yet also still manage to win the game? We don’t know because we DON’T. READ. SPOILERS!
To play this setup, in addition to the base game, you’ll need the following expansions:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Secret Wars Vol. 1
Mastermind: Thanos
Scheme: Forge the Infinity Gauntlet
Heroes: Captain Marvel, Superior Iron Man, Ant-Man, Thor, Hawkeye
If you try out any of these setups, let us know! We’d love to hear how your battle to save the universe went!
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